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Our  Services 

You can expect the services at our church to be Christ-honoring, Spirit-filled, and biblically-centered. Everything we do is for the purpose of evangelizing the lost, edifying the Christian, and glorifying God. We have a time to greet each other during the service, called handshaking time, and we encourage our people to introduce themselves to our visitors and make them feel welcome. We place an emphasis on the preaching and teaching time of our service. That is the most important reason we gather for church-to learn from the Word of God.

Our  music

The music during our service is traditional. We still sing songs of praise from the hymnbook. The music we sing for choir specials, congregationally, and for individual specials is doctrinally-sound, Christ-honoring, and feeds our Spirits, not our flesh. The music is used to prepare our hearts to receive the Word of God, and not to dominate the service. Our songs are upbeat, joyful, and we believe pleasing to the Lord. We have instrumental accompaniment during the song service which includes the piano, organ, keyboard, and the orchestra. We do sing songs that were written recently but we do not use any music that resembles the "CCM" style music of the world. We desire to be distinctly different as Christians from the world, and so we strive to have a vibrant song service while being pleasing to the Lord. 

Our Attire 

We do not have a dress code. People from our church wear suits , and dress clothes, and some also wear jeans and more casual clothes. We encourage people to dress modestly, and appropriately for church. We want everyone to dress their best for the Lord, and we understand that people's best varies from family to family. We want the Lord to change you into His image, and not our image.  

Our Preaching 

The preaching at our church is biblical, powerful,  practical, applicable, and relevant for our lives. We do not preach our preferences, but preach from the clear teachings of the scripture. We preach the whole counsel of God, and do not avoid confrontational, or potentially-offensive portions of the scripture. We preach a biblical-gospel message, and we seek to magnify the Lord in each of the sermons. Sunday Morning is a practical message for the believer with a strong emphasis on the gospel for the lost. Sunday Evening, is a message of encouragement or edification to the believer to get through a busy week. Wednesday night Bible Study is a verse by verse, book of the Bible study, that seeks to increase our knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. 

Our People

The church is the people and not the steeple. The church is made up of born-again, baptized believers. Our people are not perfect, but we do strive to be the kind of Christians the Lord would have us be. Our people are friendly, welcoming, inviting, and we love families and children. We have a heart to minister to everyone that walks through our doors. When you walk on the property you will feel "at home" at our church. You will be greeted by someone with a smile at the door, and we have ushers that will thrilled to show you where to go. We live in a culturally diverse city, and we have a heart for all nationalities and backgrounds of people. We are a multi-cultural congregation with a mix of nationalities, ages, and backgrounds. We know you will fit right in with our church family. 

Our expectations  from you

All we expect from you is to enjoy your visit with us and allow us to be a blessing and a help to you and your family. Let us serve you and make your visit with us enjoyable. If you need anything please see the pastor, the deacons, the ushers , or anyone from the church and we will be glad to help. We do not expect visitors to give anything in the offering plate or for tithes. We would like to have a record of your visit with us, so please get a visitors card, and fill it out and put it in the offering plate. 

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