Come Make Christ the Cornerstone of Your Life
"Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone"
Ephesians 2:20
Sunday Morning Adult Groups
Cornerstone Baptist Church offers various small group Bible studies for adults of different ages. We call these groups "Sunday School classes." Each class meets each Sunday morning at 10:00 am in one of the rooms at Cornerstone Baptist Church. Each class has a dedicated teacher, that desires to help and encourage you. The classes have regular activities, and times of fellowship throughout the year. Please look through the information and see which class you would like to be involved in.
Home Builders Class
Adults 19-64
This class is for anyone 19-64 that is in a relationship or is married that desires to build their lives, relationships or marriages based upon the Bible.
Our class studies will consist of biblically-based principles that seek to shape our lives, relationships, and marriages into what the Lord desires them to be.
We will have a time of breakfast, coffee, fellowship, and prayer before diving into God's word. We look forward to seeing you!
Class Teacher -Pastor Colin Morton,
Wife-Leah Morton
Contact Info
Class Teacher -Bro. Gary Meade, Wife-Karen Meade
Contact Info
Young at Heart Class
Adults 65-Plus years old
This class is for anyone 65 years old and up. This class is a ministry designed for loving , helping, and teaching some of God's most precious and choice servants.
The Young at heart Class takes an active role in missions, and has faithfully met their Faith promise Missions goal every year. They meet each week and have time for prayer, scripture memory, fellowship, and a biblical, doctrine-filled study from God's word.
Class Verse: Proverbs 25:11-A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
The Meade's believe every senior is a person who is made of gold with some silver mixed in.
Bro. Gary & Wife Karen Meade have been leading this class for over 25 years, and they are doing a great job.
Class Teacher -Bro. Ivan Jacome
Contact Info
Adults Class
Adults 19-45
This class is for any adult that is from 19-45. The Adult class meets each Sunday morning at 10:00 am. You will enjoy fellowship with other adults that are in the stage of life as you are, you will enjoy prayer time , and a lesson from God's word. The messages will build your faith, increase your knowledge, and be an encouragement and blessing to you.
They are very active and have regular activities that include: escape rooms, going out to eat, game nights, volleyball, trips, and more.