Come Make Christ the Cornerstone of Your Life
"Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone"
Ephesians 2:20
Children Ministries
Children ministries are a great priority to us at Cornerstone Baptist Church. We desire to provide the children in the surrounding communities with programs and activities that are enjoyable and Christ centered.
We have children’s Sunday school classes for all ages. During the main worship service, we have Junior Church for nursery through 6th grade.
During the school year, Kids for Christ meets every Wednesday to memorize Bible verses, have game time, and listen to a Bible story that they can apply to their own life. Kids for Christ has also special events throughout the year, like Nerf Wars, Pinewood Derby, and Carnival Game Night.
At Christmas, the kids put on a Sunday school Christmas program for the entire church. Every summer, we attend a camp for children ages 9 through 12, as well as host an unforgettable and imaginative Vacation Bible School.
Be sure and check our church calendar for upcoming children’s events.